Kevin Cordi

Featured on…
StoryWatchers Club™ Keys to Imagination sharing the story, When Did Polar Bears Learn to Dance?, an original tale of a boy who uses his imagination and a father who forgot how to use his, and StoryWatchers Club™ Christmas with another original story, A Gift for Santa, about what happens when a little boy decides this year to give a gift to Santa.

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Voices Across America
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About Kevin…
Kevin Cordi is a national storyteller who has performed and/or taught in 25 states, England, and Japan.  He is according to the National Storytelling Network, “the first full time high school storytelling teacher in the country.”  He has a masters degree in “Using Story as a Primary Means of Teaching” and is currently working on his Phd in “Narrative Story and Social Imagination work of Kids” at Ohio State University.  His work has been commissioned by The Kennedy Center, Newsweek, and the National Youth Storytelling Hall of Fame.



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